Sunday 21 April 2013


Well it's no secret to anyone that I have very little confidence in myself. Before I try something I will say 'I can't do it' and someone will respond, 'how do you know it you haven't tried it', and being my unconfident self I would automatically reply 'because it's me.' Now I know this isn't a very good thing to do and trust me, I am trying to get better, but I've been like this for so long, it is just me.
As I went through secondary school, my confidence slipped further and further away from me, because of so many things. I was always the bigger friend (which continued into college), and everytime I got close to a guy, a friend would start talking to them and they would prefer my friend over me. That is only naming a couple. It seems silly as I write this down, but its just factors that haven't helped.

First thing I am going to do to, just to make me feel better about myself, is to start wearing more make up. If I start to feel better about the way I look then hopefully I will start to try more things without me thinking that others will judge. I am going to have to go a makeup counter who has someone who can help me pick out the make up items that will suit me (I am very pale skinned). As a result of this, I will try to accept compliments. Usually if I receive one, I will shug it off and say, 'no I'm not' but from now on I will just say 'thank you'

I need some new clothes that can flatter my body shape. I'm not the skinniest girl, and I never will be. I have finally realised that its not in the cards for me, but hopefully I can still have nice clothes that will make me feel good. Despite this, I am thankful for everything I own. I apreciate it all and I will make the most out of what I have.

 I will also try to be a more positive person. Instead of saying 'I can't do it' (which incidently was in my 'most likely to..' in my yearbook when I left school. It was 'most likely to say I can't do it during childbirth.') I will start to say 'I can do it'. Hopefully this will start to change my perspective of my abilities.

If maybe one day I am having an off day and really don't feel confident at all, I will fake it. I would not want to bring others down when I am having a bad day. This may also, hopefully, get me into the mind set, that I can have an off day but I can still be happier within myself and continue to be a possitive and confident person.

If I try all of these things, I really think it will do a world of good. It will change me completely, for the better. It will allow me to try new things more freely and increase my life experiences. If I can become a confident person, I think that when I start university in September, I will have the courage to jump into the deep water of living in a new place, knowing absolutely no one, and starting the new journey in my life.

If anyone has any tips to help, please comment. Thank you!

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