Wednesday 16 October 2013

First month of uni

So my last post was on the day before me moving up to Cheltenham for uni, and now I have been up here for just over a month and I have to say it was such an amazing decision. I was nervous about meeting my flat mates, however, they are so lovely and good friends now. On the first night me and a few from my flat went over to next doors flat and got to know each other and so it was instant instead of taking our time to know people, I definitely think at this is one of the best ways to do it. It feels like I have known everyone for so much longer than just a month!

Freshers week was very good as well, we met more people and got to know each other more and more. There were so many things on in freshers like the move in party, the tshirt tour, the geek night, the beach party, and the freshers ball, just to name a few. 

Lectures properly started on the second week of being here and so far I am enjoying them so much, which is so good considering I will be studying for the next three years!

I have a job at the weekends which is very tiring as I have uni all week and then have to work, but I need the money and that is how I will have to think of it.

I will try to make more posts but I have been very busy recently, but please comment saying what you like or if you want me to write about something specific, thank you!