Sunday 28 April 2013

25 Things About Me

1. I am the fussiest eater you will ever meet! (Although I am trying to try more things)

2. I used to dye my hair a lot! But I haven't dyed my hair since December 2011 and so it looks like I have dipped dyed my hair. I haven't, its just where the dye is fading still and my hair has grown.

3. I am moving to Cheltenham in September, as I start at the University of Gloucestershire. I am very, very excited!

4. I cry way too much during films, happy or sad, you will find me crying at something. 

5. Cadbury Chocolate Fingers are my weakness. I can never just eat one or two.

6. I used to dance. Modern, Ballet, Hip Hop and Tap. Hip Hop was my favourite as I think I was best at it. 

7. I get distracted very easily. (I have already stopped and gone on my phone for 10 minutes and I am only on fact 7!)

8. I haven't been on holiday in 6 years, but I am going to Zante in July with my friends! 

9. I think I am a shy person when I first meet someone new, and I will very slowly come out of my shell. 

10. I am a very self concious person. I lack so much in confidence and I don't know when my confidence was knocked as I was never like this as a child. 

11. I love going to nandos. Take me to nandos and we'll be friends forever. 

12. I have lived in Cornwall since I was 5, but I really don't like it here. When I move away and come back to visit I will probably appreciate it a lot more. 

13. I am half Scottish. But I do not have a Scottish accent.

14. I absolutely love nail varnish! It is very, very rare that you will see me without nail varnish on. I currently have 46 nail varnishes and my collection continues to grow!

15. Piglet is my favourite.

16. My music taste ranges a lot. I love all kinds of music.

17. Loosing weight is a very hard thing for me. I have been trying for so long and nothing seems to work. But I am persevering as I have worked so hard. 

18. I am very pale! 

19. I have loads of dream holidays, but the top three are; a road trip around America, (but if that is not possible, just New York or California.) Australia and Dubai

20. I hate my teeth, I wish I could have braces to fix them, but I can't afford it. 

21. I passed my driving test first time. I am very proud of myself for doing this. 

22. I would love to take more road trips to explore different places in the UK. 

23. I really hope I will get married and have children.

24. Primary school was the best time and I wish I appreciated it more when I was young as getting older is a scary concept

25. I love taking pictures of things I have done. I love having my memories printed out and put up where I can see them. 

I am very surprised I came up with 25 things about me! But I thought I would give it a go!

Sunday 21 April 2013


Well it's no secret to anyone that I have very little confidence in myself. Before I try something I will say 'I can't do it' and someone will respond, 'how do you know it you haven't tried it', and being my unconfident self I would automatically reply 'because it's me.' Now I know this isn't a very good thing to do and trust me, I am trying to get better, but I've been like this for so long, it is just me.
As I went through secondary school, my confidence slipped further and further away from me, because of so many things. I was always the bigger friend (which continued into college), and everytime I got close to a guy, a friend would start talking to them and they would prefer my friend over me. That is only naming a couple. It seems silly as I write this down, but its just factors that haven't helped.

First thing I am going to do to, just to make me feel better about myself, is to start wearing more make up. If I start to feel better about the way I look then hopefully I will start to try more things without me thinking that others will judge. I am going to have to go a makeup counter who has someone who can help me pick out the make up items that will suit me (I am very pale skinned). As a result of this, I will try to accept compliments. Usually if I receive one, I will shug it off and say, 'no I'm not' but from now on I will just say 'thank you'

I need some new clothes that can flatter my body shape. I'm not the skinniest girl, and I never will be. I have finally realised that its not in the cards for me, but hopefully I can still have nice clothes that will make me feel good. Despite this, I am thankful for everything I own. I apreciate it all and I will make the most out of what I have.

 I will also try to be a more positive person. Instead of saying 'I can't do it' (which incidently was in my 'most likely to..' in my yearbook when I left school. It was 'most likely to say I can't do it during childbirth.') I will start to say 'I can do it'. Hopefully this will start to change my perspective of my abilities.

If maybe one day I am having an off day and really don't feel confident at all, I will fake it. I would not want to bring others down when I am having a bad day. This may also, hopefully, get me into the mind set, that I can have an off day but I can still be happier within myself and continue to be a possitive and confident person.

If I try all of these things, I really think it will do a world of good. It will change me completely, for the better. It will allow me to try new things more freely and increase my life experiences. If I can become a confident person, I think that when I start university in September, I will have the courage to jump into the deep water of living in a new place, knowing absolutely no one, and starting the new journey in my life.

If anyone has any tips to help, please comment. Thank you!

Friday 19 April 2013



I have recently gone onto Bloglovin'. This is a great way to follow and read your favourite blogs, including mine, all on one place. There is also an app for Bloglovin' so you can take all of the top blogs with you to read on the go!

So please follow my blog on Bloglovin' :)

<a href="">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>

Thank you!

Thursday 18 April 2013


I love taking my dogs for a walk. I have two Springer Spaniels, Mum and son. 

Bruza is on the left and Sophi is on the right. They are the soppiest dogs you will ever meet and would never hurt a fly. I love taking Sophi and Bruza for long walks as its a time for me to get some fresh air and gives me a chance to clear my head. I find walking the dogs on the moors is so relaxing even if I am just walking along the moors throwing the tennis ball and watching the dogs retrieve it. I live in Cornwall and live on Bodmin moors, and although I do want to leave the South West of England because there is never any jobs or opportunities for me here, I do love going up to the moors and walking for as long as I want. The moors is so picturesque that you can't help but capture the beauty every time you walk across the same grass.

There are so many large patches of water for the dogs to swim and it is so lovely to see them enjoying it so much. 

If anyone just wants to relax and have a peaceful walk on their own, then have a walk on the moors, it can be any moors, they are all so pretty and large that you can walk for as long, or as little as you like. 

Thank you for reading, please comment anything, I would love to hear from you.

Wednesday 17 April 2013

Pray For Boston

When I found out about the Boston marathon disaster I cried instantly. I thought about all of those people who knew someone there or others who were supporting a loved one. I couldn't even imagine what everyone was feeling there. I hope that everyone is safe and I hope that everyone has a full recovery.
Rip to the lives that were lost.

Monday 15 April 2013

Poorly Me

Well, me being healthy is off to a good start. Sarcasm. I had to go to an emergency doctors appointment yesterday at the hospital and turns out I have an ear infection, I also have really horrible stuff (I don't even know what to call it) in my throat. To top all of this off I was up all of last night throwing up. Not been the best couple of days.
I should have gone back to college today for the first time in two weeks but I stayed home.. I don't want anyone to get ill as well. I'm on antibiotics from the doctors so hopefully I'll get better soon!

Sunday 14 April 2013

I'll introduce myself!


I'm Alexandra, I am 18 years old, and I live in Cornwall.

So, here I am, I have decided to create a blog, I have wanted to for quite a while, however, I never really knew what to write about. 
Okay, I have decided to write about the changes in my lifestyle. I'll also write about my interests and well, anything I feel I should write about, to make others or myself happy. 

Right now, I am not too happy with how I am. Well, that's not entirely true, I am content with myself and my life, however, I feel as though, if I make some changes I can be the happiest I can be. This said, I am finally ready to make these changes as I am of to university in September and I would like to be the happiest I can be without bringing others down. 

Here are the few things I am going to do:

  • First of all, I am going to start eating healthier. I feel that if I do this then my entire body will be better inside and out. I worry that if I don't change my eating habits soon, I will end up with diabetes (as several members of my family have) or become very overweight or I will end up with a heart problem. I am technically overweight now, and it makes me worry so much more that I will not be able to live a healthy and active lifestyle for the rest of my life. Yes I may be dramatic as I am only 18, but as these things do run in my family, and so I am at a risk of this too, and I do want to change.
  • Next, it does come alongside eating healthy, I will start exercising more to decrease my chances of getting an illness and also so I can be an ideal weight. This not only will be good for my health, but it also will make me happier and make myself less self-concious which is one of my main problems along side my high lack in confidence. 
  • Currently, I am studying media at City College Plymouth. I did enjoy the diploma to start with, however, I am not enjoying it as much in my second, and final year. I am finishing this course in June and I am on track to getting a distinction overall. I am very proud of myself for achieving this. In September I will be attending Gloucestershire University to study advertising, which I am very excited and eager to start. So the point I am trying to make is, I am going to continue to work hard throughout the end of my college life, though I may not enjoy it, because I want to achieve the best possible grades I can. I only wish I was this determined sooner. 
  • My last point for this post and the reason I really managed to motivate myself to create a blog is because of a blog I have seen, more specifically one post on this blog. The blog I am talking about is Zoella and although this post is from September 2012, I think that it is a very good thing to start trying to do and that is to 'Just Say Yes'. From now on I will start saying yes to more things, to experience more things out of my comfort zone. To really try anything to make me happier as a person and to make my presence around people more appealing and wanted. 

To summarise I will:

  1. Eat Healthy
  2. Exercise
  3. Achieve The Best Grades I can
  4. To Say Yes And Experience More In Life

I hope I can start changing as a person for the better, and be more confident and positive with myself and choices. 

Please leave a comment, I know it is just my first post, but I would like to know if you think my ideas are good and if you will continue reading. Please! 
Thank youuu!