Saturday 8 February 2014


So it has been a month since I have last posted and so much has happened in that time. It is not good things, which is how I had hoped my year would go.
I know that usually people would write a post to get attention but I just want to write this to vent a little bit.

First of all I lost my brother on the 22nd January, he was fishing and one freak wave took him into sea and he can't be found. this is the most heart breaking thing that has happened. None of us had ever expected this to happen and we can't have closure with a funeral. With the weather conditions now in Devon and Cornwall it makes me angry when people are risking their lives going to the sea fronts to get a picture of the waves whereas my brother went on a calm day to do something he loves, fishing and yet he was taken from us at 23, it has been hard for our whole family and all of my brothers friends and the weather conditions are not helping our grief.
Next I have found out that my great aunties cancer has got worse and my other aunties brother has been diagnosed with cancer and my Grandad has to be retested for cancer in three months. With knowing this we will be seeing them a lot more to ensure we have lots of time with them.
To top off all of this, my parents are going to be splitting up soon, with all of this I am struggling with my work load as I can't really concentrate as I have so much on my mind.
Why do bad things have to happen, its just so hard

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